British school system
The British School System
School system
Age: 5-7: Infant school
8-11: Juniorschool
12-16:Secondary school
GCSE (General Centificate of Education)
12-18: Secondary school ( is a higher level to secondary school)
School life
Pupils have 2 breaks
First break = 11 o´clock and they can eat second breakfeast
Second break = at 1 o´clock and they eat lunch
One lesson runs 40 minutes.
Mostly pupil have 8 lessons at day.
In Great Britan the pupils learn in the same subject how in German: history, mathematics computer science
Exams & thair problems
English pupils get their marks in form of letters. A is the best and G the worst.
They have to be written at the end of Infant school and Junior school, in the middl and at the end of Secondary school in tree subjects:english, mathematics and science.
Aged 14 to 16 they take GCSEs.
The GCSEs is in the German Realabschluss.
After passing the GCSE, pupils can leave school and get job.
Or they stay at school and do their A-Levels. If they have their A- Levels, they are able to go to university. This school is in German Gymasium.
School uniform
Teenager in Britain have to wear school uniforms at school.
The idea is to make everyone look equally so that nobody will be discriminated.
The pupils don´t like thair school uniforms, because of the colours, witch are often black or grey and uncomfortable too.
Smoking at school is absolutely forbidden. If a pupil is caught in the act, his parents will be informed immediately.
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