(The Topic I want to present to you is about Tattoos. I’ve chosen it because I think Tattoos are very interesting and I think about making me one.)
Now to the history about Tattoos. The Tattoos are as old as the mankind, already in the Stone Age Tattoos were known and also in the old Egypt the Priestesses adorned themselves with Tattoos. Till Pope Hadrian I (the first) forbade Tattoos and they fell into Oblivion. First in the 18th century English Seafarer discovered, among them James Cook, humans who were painted with this kind in the south sea.
James Cook was told that this Art were be named “tatau”. “tatau” became “Tattoo” in English language .It means “artistic hammering”. The seafarer had to prick a Tattoo as a memory on the Voyage and they looked up how to make it. This way the Tattoos came to Europe and were pricked on the traditional way, with a hammer and a needle, till 1891 Samuel O ‘Reilly invented the Tattoomachine. After this invention the spread of Tattoos couldn’t be stopped anymore.
The actual meaning of Tattoos isn’t to be accessories, much more it has a spiritual meaning witch you can pursue back to the original populations. Tattoos symbolize for them not only courage, Power, protection from bad ghosts but also affiliation to their tribes.
Now I would like to explain you how tattoos are made.
First the corresponding place will be shaved. Then the desired motiv is laid on (picture), also Vaseline can be brushed on. As next step the tattoo - machine (picture) is dipped in a colour - bath and the outer lines are painted (picture).
By this the needle pricks some tenth millimeters in the skin. When the outer lines are pricked, the tattoo is filled with colour.
When aren’t glad any more with your tattoo, witch perhaps has been made in your youth, you can made a so called “make over”. That means a new tattoo is pricked over your old tattoo one. You also can let remove your old tattoo, but this only is by laser - or frequency treatment.
Finally I want to show you some types of tattoos:
These are only a few types of tattoos witch are available. You can choose what you like, but should do it very consciously.
Thanks you very much for your attention.
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