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A characteristic, distinct vegetation, the "Flora australis" with ca. has Australian plants the Australian continent.  20,000 different plant types.  In the tropical north, there are rain forests with Lianen and fern.  In the coasts zone, Mangroven grow into the sea in.  They adapted themselves outstanding to the tide change and the brine.

  The sumps are living space of innumerable plants.  To the peculiarities of the rain forest, also the many different orchid types count.  Almost everywhere, especially however in moderated zones of the south and the coasts regions, be found large Eukalyptuswälder.  Of the Eukalyptus-tree (Gumtree), it gives over 400 types.  A well known type is the Jarrah in west Australia, one of the hardest woods of the world.  Other types, how the Swamp Gum on Tasmanien, become up to 80 ms high.

  The highest trees of the world are the Karri-Eukalypten in the south west and the Mountain Ash Tree in the southeast with heights of more than 100 ms.  In the dried up river beds in the country interiors, Gum is to be found the River speech frequently.  Worth mentioning the expanded Eukalyptuswälder of the Blue Mountains (in the hinterland of Sydney), that are would soften through the blue, received have that isolate the trees, its name.  Eukalyptusblätter are used also as a well-being plant for Inhalationen.  The Desert Oak, a subspecies of the Eukalyptus, is to be stored like many other plants in the country interiors in the situation, water for very long time.  The tree lets hang normally the branches, goes only to Regenfällen it up.

  Mallee-Eukalypten are also typical for dry zone.The grass tree (grass Tree) occurs like the Eukalyptus, throughout Australia.  Its tree top consists of a large tuft, out of whose middle in the prime light reed sheets grow.  The tropical zone is strongly wooded, predominantly with foliage trees.  At the northeastern coast of Queensland including the cape-York-peninsula, rain forests occur.  Palms trees, fern plant and vine plant thrive in large abundance between the oaks, Eschen, cedar, bottles trees and birches.

  Mangrovenwälder stretch at the mud holes and on book deed gene along the low northern coastline.  Plant as well as the purpurfarbene Telopea, the red golden Banksie and the scarlett Firewheel-trees lend the vegetation color.  Far landeinwärts dominates the savanna landscape with niedrigwüchsigen trees that belong usually to the hard foliage plants and are typical for the domestic Flora.  Numerous types that thrive in the tropical zone, are to be found also in the Malaiischen archipelago in the northeast of Australia.  The moderated zone is stamped of shrub landscapes and forest landscapes.  It shows moreover Mallee-Scrubs and other Scrubarten, strauchförmige sand moor and rain forest zone with Pflanzenbewuchs typical for moderated climate.

  Alpine vegetation occurs in the Australian Alps and the mountain landscapes of Tasmanien.  At the east coast along until including Tasmanien there are supply out of jaws and Koniferen.  Meanwhile the Huonkiefern belong to the rarely become types and are excluded wide-ranging of the Abholzung.  In the Bewaldungsflächen the warm and well irrigated predominate southeastern and southwestern area the Eukalypten of which it gives over 500 types and the one height of more than 90 meters can reach.  The south west coast draws itself through its especially large type wealth from.  In the Untergehölz of the Bergeschen, the blue Eukalyptusbäume and langblättrigen Eukalyptusbäume of the southeast, Akazien and tree fern thrive.

In the dry zone (Scrub country, bush), only especially adapted plants thrive whereby the Akazienbewuchs predominates the Eukalypten.  Two types, the Jarra- and the Karrieukalyptus, that are appreciated above all because of its hard and steady wood, are however typical for the Pflanzenbewuchs in Western Australia, just as as some types of rods bushes.  In that less regions dense in the country interiors red and green Kängurupfoten, smelling Boronien, wax flowers (wreath winds), bottles trees, Lampenputzerbäume and littler Eukalyptusarten thrive at the cliffs as well as iron cow trees.  Akazien occur in approximately 900 different types and are usually sooner bush good.  The golden Akazie represents the national flowers symbol of Australia and appears also on the official country crest.  In the dry country interiors, the Mulga-bush far is spread.

  It gives is deserts in the sense of the pure sand desert hardly, almost always a Bewuchs available.  The stachlige Spinifix-grass far is spread in the country interiors, it are awake pleased is serves practically everywhere, even there, where for years no rain, and as a nourishment base and life base for many deserts animals.  The expansion of the sting cactus was long time a problem because it practically inaccessibly made many zones.  With biological fight methods was offered to the restraint.  Next to the domestic Flora are to be found in Australia approximately 2,000 here retroactively introduced plant type, of which that with the increasing development of country economy and meadow economy or the erection of large plantings of economically useful soft woods came into the country.  Although the Australian plant life shows an enormous biodiversity, the Bewuchsfläche of the country dramatically shrank since the arrival of the first European settlers in the year 1788.

  One supposes that at present the settlement by the first Europeans to one-quarter of the country of forests, savanna forests and shrub supply covered was.  To be sure only a slight fraction of the natural vegetation was economically valuable, and in the years following 200 on that, a large part of the domestic Flora was removed in order to create so room for a settlement and agricultural utilization.  This development had confessed not only an intensification of the problematic nature caused by erosion as a consequence, but rather also the irrevocable disappearing of until now 83 domestic plant type.  In addition further 840 well known types of the extinction are threatened. 

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