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  Napoleon and the fight of waterloo

Napoleon and the fight of Waterloo     The History of Napoleon and the Fight of Waterloo   In the evening of the 18th june in the year 1815 a meeting of emporer Napoleon and his general took place. There they spoke about their tactics in the following battle against the allianced army of the Prussians, English and Dutch. With a size of 74 thousand men, including infantry, cavalary and units of Napoleon´s personal guards allthoug 80 guns he went into the fight. His second Commander in Chief was Michélle Ney, a marchall, who distinguished himself during the campaign in Russia. In fact he was a very brave person, but he was unqualified to command troups alone during huge tactical operations.   The end of the battle of aterloo Napoleon kno that he ha no chance to vvin.

  Ney: Napoleon e eren´t able rto break the Englih line . Nearly our complete army I . ounded or killed Only one Bttalion of the guard I remained. Hat hoult e do? I think e have to ecape, becaue our enemei ill put u in prion.     Napoleon: No, I don´t ecape! Ill tay .I´m tired of ar .

I fought nearly for 5 year that enough. E have to defeat.   Ney: Ok, Iecept youropion. You can tay, But I ill Fight

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