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  Vietnam war

Vietnam War Chronology of the Vietnam-War  1858 Vietnam is annexed by France 1887 Vietnam and Cambodia is ruled by France1939-1941: Viet Minh seeks for independence 1945: The Viet Minh begins a war against French occupation with attacks in the North. (declaration of independence - French offers only a free-state freedom) 1950: The USA begins to provide military and economic aid to the French in Indochina.1954: The French are defeated. an agreement is signed, in October the Viet Minh take formal control over North Vietnam. ( Vietnam divided into North and South ) 1956: A US military advisory group replaces French training of the South Vietnamese army. 1961: The (Communist) National Liberation Front (NLF) is formed in South Vietnam.

US-President Kennedy sends special forces and military advisors to South Vietnam. 1963: In November, South Vietnam’s president Diem is overthrown in a military coup. Kennedy is assassinated and Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in. 1964: After an attack by North Vietnamese torpedo boats on two US destroyers, the US Congress enables the president in order to take revanche in a military way. 1965: Johnson increases US military forces.

(à1967 - US forces in Vietnam total 465.000.) 1969: US-President Nixon takes 25.000 US troops away from Vietnam, which called “policy of Vietnamization”. 1972: In August, US ground troops leave South Vietnam. The US Airforce rests in Vietnam (à bombs on Hanoi, Haiphong, harbours of North Vietnam) 1973: A cease-fire agreement is signed in Paris ( US-troops are taken away from Vietnam àofficially end of war.

); BUT: the fights between North-V. and South-V. continue. 1975 After the capture of Saigon South-Vietnam capitulates. 1976 Proclamation of the Social Republic of Vietnam   Consequences   1963 àIn South-Vietnam approximately 15.000 american soldiers are deployed.

1964 àThe publication of documents about the development of the Vietnam-War reduces the credibility of the Johnson government. 1965 àMainly the young generation starts to demonstrate against the war. àThe maximum of the Anti-War-Movement is reached when more than 200.000 protesters walk towards the Pentagon. 1969 àAbout 541,000 american soldiers fight in Vietnam. 1970 àIn may 6 students die during a demonstration.

1965 à6.3 million tons of bombs were going down on Vietnam. In the Second World War -1971 ca. 2.1 million tons of bombs went down on Africa, Asia and Europe. àThe War Powers Act becomes a law, to limit the power of the president.

1973 àThe United States support South-Vietnam with ca. 3 billion $. -1974 àA big imigration wave starts from South-Vietnam. àThe western countries (except Sweden) don’t help to rebuild Vietnam. CONCLUSION: The aim to limit the spread of Communism wasn’t reached Ca. 2.

5 million people lost their lifes. The war costs more than 185 billion $. More than 50.000 veterans admit suicide after the war. The dimension of human sorrow and the destruction of nature, culture and industry is undefinable.              

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