The conflict in northern ireland
The Conflict in Northern Ireland After Ireland was divided into Northern Ireland (Ulster) and the Republic of Ireland in1949, both governments tried to ease the situation. Ulster, for example, took part in several British industrial projects and, consequently, the economic situation improved. In 1965 the head of the Republic of Ireland and North IreBook report: the cool boffin written by pete johnson
Bookreport by sophie heitzeneder, January 99 “The cool Boffin“ by Pete JohnsonMostly harmless
Mathias Schenner 97 James Joyce The Dead Author James Joyce was born in Dublin on 2nd February 1882. He was the oldest of ten children in a family which, after brief prosperity, collapsed into poverty. He was none the less educated at the best Jesuit schools and then at University College, Dublin, where he gave proof of his extraordinary talent. In 1902, following his graduThe dead poets society
The Dead Poets Society by N. H. .Kleinbaum PThe Author: N. H. Kleinbaum, a graduate of the Medill school of journalism at Northwesetern University, is a former newspaper reporter and editor. Her other novelizations include the Bantam Starfire title Growing Pains and D.A.R.Y.L. She lives in Mt. Kisco, New York, with her husband and three children. &nEnglisch
E n g l i s h - s p e e c h : TOPIC: The development of letters and books Table of contents: 1 Table of contents: 2 2 Introduction: 3 3 Letters: 4 3.1 Why was a writing sysThe different project
The Different Project S: E. Hinton The Outsiders „The Outsiders“ is a story of US teenage gangsterism. Summary Ponyboy Curtis lives in a city of Oklahoma. He is the narrator of the story. He lives together with his two older brothers. They live on the east-side of the city where all the Greasers are situated. The GrEnglisch:
Englischreferat: The digital divide The digital divide, which is a gap between the most and least wired countries is a big problem. At the G8 summit in Okinawa heads of state and government spoke about a bid to bridge the digital divide and announced help for developing nations, which have to catch up on technology. Experts say that communication technologies would improve the situation ofBesiedelung des terra australiens
The discovery and colonization of Australia First „settlement“ and first human activities There are really not many absolutly sure things to tell about the first settlement of Australia, so the first dates about human activities in australia are even not exact. After the archaeological things of the last years had been found, it´s clear that there were humans , sStudy guide for ursula leguin: the dispossessed (1974)
Study Guide for Ursula LeGuin: The Dispossessed (1974) Introduction After World War I, the writing of utopian fiction gradually declined, until thegenre almost disappeared in mid-century, to be replaced by dystopias (descriptions of ultimately evil places) like George Orwell's Nineteen-Eighty-Four (1948). However, in the mid-seventies therewas a spate of new utopias written by AmeriLeonhard hoffmann
“THE DOLL´S HOUSE“ By Katherine Mansfield Katherin Mansfield was born in Wellington, New Zealand, in 1888. Her father was a banker and he sent her to London where she attended Queen´s College. In 1909 she married a musician. She left him and in1918 she married a famous literacy critic, Murry. She wrote many stories “Bliss And Other Stories“, “T166 | 167 | 168 | 169 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 173 | 174 | 175 | 176 | 177 | 178 | 179 | 180 |
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