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The british colonies in north america

The British Colonies in North America (1500 - 1783) Structure I. Introduction 1.1 Conditions to settlement   II. English settlement 2.1 First attempts of settling 2.2 Jamestown * Tobacco cultivation 2.3 Plymouth 2.4 Massachusetts Bay Company   III. Development of the colonies 3.1 Life in the colonies 3.2 Role of religion 3.3 Further development of the colonies * Slav
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British history

Late Medieval Welsh uprising 1400 - 1416   Owain Glyn Dwr began a major revolt against English dominance in September 1399. Descended from the Princes of Powys (but a former servant of Richard II) his revolt was closely connected to Henry IV's difficulties in establishing a regime. Glyn Dwr co-operated with the English opposition to Henry IV (particularly the great lords of the
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The celts

The Celts   From 500 BC to 795 AD the Celts were the exclusive tribe of the island. They were not the first inhabitants. But when they arrived they assimitlated with the native people. Most of the Celts were, tall and blond and they learned to work with iron. they lived scattered on farms with high walls around. There were no urban centres and the economic basis of society was cattel re
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The civil war

The Civil War   The most people are thinking, that the Civil War was only fought to free the slaves which are caught in the South. But that's wrong! What was happening in this time? The United States had been an community, built by several independent states. She was parted in two different groups. At one side was the industrial North and on the other side was the agricultural South.
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The cold war

The Cold War -Eine Gfs von Marcel Leder- “A cold war is a war with no direct fighting between the countries involved. A cold war often involves countries with different ideologies (e.g. USA capitalist and USSR communist). A war of mistrust, spying, propaganda and deception.”   The Iron Curtain    At the end of World War II, the USSR had the la
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   Index          Preface 2         The Computing History 2     The Turing Machine 4 Example: Simple Adding Machine Visualization of this example     The Turing Test 5     Back to the Computing History 5        
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The conflict in northern ireland

The Conflict in Northern Ireland         After Ireland was divided into Northern Ireland (Ulster) and the Republic of Ireland in1949, both governments tried to ease the situation. Ulster, for example, took part in several British industrial projects and, consequently, the economic situation improved. In 1965 the head of the Republic of Ireland and North Ire
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The contradictory actions of the popes in the third reich

The Contradictory Actions of the Popes in the Third ReichThe Catholic Church, in the beginnings of the Third Reich, suffered a lot of damage. In a desperate attempt to let the Church survive in Germany, a lot of contradiction between the official statements and actual actions of the Catholic Church happened. One major contradiction was that the Church did not want to have anything to do with a
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20th century literature verena kischer

20th century literature Erasmus student Seminar tutor: Dr. Paul Hendon              ‘The experience of war pervades the literature of the period, even if in unacknowledged ways’. Discuss with reference to two writers.    
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Today the vast majority of questioned people associate the word "vietnam" with the cruel war, which took place in this small s

Today the vast majority of questioned people associate the word "Vietnam" with the cruel war, which took place in this small Southeast Asian country after the second World War. This war carried out by the United States cannot be understood without some knowledge of Vietnam's earlier history. The origins of the conflict that has deeply affected Asia in this time have to be searched in
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