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Book report:

BOOK REPORT:by Mathew KallumadilTitle and author:   “Coma” by Robin Cook: Fiction, Medical Novel Place and Time:   The story happens in 1976, in Boston, in the United States. Plot:   When Nancy Greenley's routine D&C medical operation is nearing completion, the anesthetist reports strange fibrillations of the heart. Her brain stops responding and she doe
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Comparison of "blowing in the wind" and "ballad of the green beret"

Comparison of ”Blowing in the wind” and ”Ballad of the Green Beret”     3.1.1 ”Ballad of the Green Beret”/ Glorification of Soldiers/ Death as a Sacrifice   As illustrated above , Barry Sadler’s song is a very patriotic one .It approves of any means the American nation would have to take in the fight for American ideals , es
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Comparison of "with god on our side" and" ballad of the green beret"

Comparison of ”With God on our Side” and” Ballad of the Green Beret”     3.1.2. ” With God on our Side ”- A critical review of American military history   Bob Dylan’s song critically reviews the military history of the American nation. After having thought about the wars fought and the wars still to come , the narrator fin
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Englisch :

Computer Education at schools: In most of the schools in Japan or America and in many schools in Germany the using of computers in the tuition is just as normal as using a pencil or a rubber. The goverments of these countries have already realizied, that in our high technnologized and computerized world, only people, who have had a good computer education at school, have a chance to get a
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Computer viruses

  Computer Viruses and other Destructive Programs     Most people have never seen any damage caused by a computer virus before. Some people don't even believe in computer viruses. But they are a serious problem in our "computer world". The first document virus attack was in 1987 at the University of Delaware. The growth of the number of viruses is about 2
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    Generally a computer is a tool to simplify different tasks and reduce the amount of time needed for them. As you all hopefully know, there is the hardware, which is the part of a computer that physically exists e.g. you can touch it. On the other hand software is simply said a set of instructions that allows a computer to carry out several tasks.     The
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Englischreferat: Computers and school 1) What dangerous misconceptions do educators and parents have about computers? Many parents think that their child has to have a home computer to be good at school. There are really many positive things to say about the potential of computers, but it is dangerous to overlook their disadvantages. Computers in schools are often used in a wrong way, some
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Computers   History   A precursor of the digital computer was the adding machine. It was developed in 1642 by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal. Analog computers started to be built at the beginning of the 20 century. Such machines were used for solving very difficult equations. During world wars mechanical analog computers were used in submarines and planes.
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Conditional sentences 3

    CONDITIONAL SENTENCES 3   1. If the Spanish ships HAD BEEN smaller, they WOULD HAVE BEEN faster,too.   Wenn die Spanischen Schiffe kleiner gewesen wären, wären sie auch schneller gewesen.       im if-Satz steht das Verb, im Hauptsatz st
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Conflict in ireland

CONFLICT IN IRELAND The people of Northern Ireland disagree about the future of Ireland. One side wants to remain part of the UK. They are called Unionists. Hardline Unionists are also known as Loyalists. Most of the Unionists are also Protestants. The other side want Northern Ireland to join the South and become part of the Irish Republic. They are called Nationalists. Hardline Nationalists
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