The smell of apples
Verfasser: Martin Bohatschek, 7c The Smell of Apples Author: Mark Behr First published: 1993 Main Characters: Marnus Erasmus: He is a twelve year old boy and lives with his family in Cape Town, South Africa. Message: Children are easy to manipulate. TThe snake stone
The Snake Stone Plot: James is a 15 year old boy, who is very fond of diving and really good at it. He's adopted. He doesn't know anything about his Past. And the only few things he's got from when he was a baby are in an small box. He was never interested very much in those things. But then, one day he looked at them. There were some clothes and a small piece of paper. On it wThe song of songs
Study Guide for The Song of Songs All references to the Song of Songs are to Michael V. Fox's translation as published in The Song of Songs and the Ancient Egyptian Love Songs (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985), pp. 82 94. The Song of Songs, also known as the Song of Solomon and the Canticle of Canticles, has long puzzled readers because its themes seem to have nothing toThe songlines by bruce chatwin
THE SONGLINES by Bruce Chatwin Author: Bruce Chatwin was born in Sheffield in 1940. After visiting Marlborough School he worked as a porter at Sotheby’s. Eight years later he was still working at Sotheby’s, but now he had become one of the youngest directors. Between 1972 and 1975 he worked for the Sunday Times. Then he went to Patagonia for six months’. This trip inEnglisch abitur:
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) 1923 General Primo de Rivero (Dictator) 1930 De Rivera's Governemnt ends 1931 Spain becomes a republic 1931 – 1936 several mildly socialist governments followed each other conservative opposition increased a confronatation between the "Republicans" (government) and the Nationalists (oppposition) and MonarcThe spanish riding-school
The Spanish Riding-School 1. The History: It was founded in 1572 by the Habsburg emperors. In 1942 the Nazis removed the horses to Czechoslovakia. From there they were returned to Vienna by the US-Army under General Patton in 1955. A plaque commemorating that event can be seen in the entryway to the Riding School. The horses the Habsburgs bred and trained originally came from SpainCornelia schwarz, 7b
Cornelia Schwarz, 7b THE SPEED QUEEN by Stewart O´Nan Title, Author: The book is called "The Speed Queen“ and it is written by Steward O´Nan. Other Information: It was first published by Doubleday in New York in 1997. Type of book: It is a novel. Subject: It is about the memories of a murderer.Plot
Plot Lord of the Flies is a story that revolves around a central theme, which is that human nature is savage-like and anarchic without the confines of society. The story begins when a group of British school boys crash on a tropical island while being transported to a safer location during war time. Ironically, the only adult on the Island, the pilot, is dead. At the beginning of the book, aThesis sheet
Structure Speech: Whisky Distilling Speaker: David Lebutsch Date: Main content: The story and making of whisky (especially scotch) Table of contents: 1 Structure 1 2 Table of contents: 2 3 English 3 3.1 The history of whisky 3 3.2 Malting 3 3.3 Mashing 3 3.4 Fermentation 3 3.5 Distillation 3 3.6 Pot Stills 4 3.7 Spirit Safe&The story of hoover dam
The Story of Hoover DamHoover Dam is a testimony to a country's ability to construct monolithic projects in the midst of adverse conditions. Built during the Depression; thousands of men and their families came to Black Canyon to tame the Colorado River. It took less than 5 years, in a harsh and barren land, to build the largest dam of its time. Now, more than 60 years later, Hoover Dam still178 | 179 | 180 | 181 | 182 | 183 | 184 | 185 | 186 | 187 | 188 | 189 | 190 | 191 | 192 |
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