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The usa is a very interesting country, it is very big and it has a lot o different places

Travelling  Welcome to our presentation. We are going to tell you something about travelling. For example where you could stay, how to get there, about some popular cities and countries and even their sights. We will start with places where you can stay.  Where to stayBefore you go on holiday you have to think about where you would like to stay. There are many possibilities for s
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Treasure island

Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson    author: Robert Louis Stevenson was a scotisch writer. He was born on the 13th of November 1850 in Edinburgh and died on the 3rd of December 1894 in Apia/Samoa. Stevenson studied lawyer but he earned his money with the writing of fabulous traveladventures. Since his childhood St. was consumptive and so he lived in France and in Sw
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Definition: what is a trojan horse and what are it's capabilities

Definition: What is a trojan horse and what are it’s capabilities? A Trojan Horse is a program, which appears to be a useful tool but is able to do various things hidden in the background without the computer owner knowing. Trojan Horses have been named after the “Trojan Horse” in Greek Mythology; a wooden horse was left behind by Troy’s besiegers. Not knowing that
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Book report: the cool boffin written by pete johnson

English Book Report, Gabriel Maresch 7C II, in March 1997   True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole written by Sue Townsend  Before I'm going to start introducing the book's persons I want to say in advance that this is not a "common" book with a clear plot. This book consists of several, temporal and regarding content, not connecting extracts of Adrian Mole's dairy writt
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Truman show

Truman Show  Jim Carrey, main actor of the “Truman Show” is known for comedies like “The Mask”, “Dumb and Dumber” or the “Cable Guy”. He is famous for weird, but funny mimics. This is now his first serious role. The film deals with a 24h show about the life of Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey), filmed without his knowledge. From his birth on he
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Caroline Axenkopf Television    TV is very important for many people. They can´t live without television. The people forget to speak together. Many children watch too much TV and they watch the wrong films. In many films agression comes and this assign of the people. The people are more agressive than 30 years ago. The parents put their c
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Tv - violence - biggest problem on tv, children and tv, videos - big brothers of tv programmes -

  C O N T E N T        I. Instead of an introduction p. 2II. Violence - biggest problem on TV p. 3III. Children and TV p. 5IV. New censor chip for American TVs p. 7   Videos - big brothers of
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Today i want to speak about the book oliver twist

Today I want to speak about the book Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens one of the most important writers of the 19-century wrote this book.   Charles Dickens was born in 1812,the first years he lived in a happily childhood, but then his father got imprisoned; the grimmest time of his life began. Charles Dickens worked 2 years in a blacking factory.   He described this awful time i
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Englischreferat: U.N. Summit Closes with Resolution The world’s presidents, kings and prime ministers came together to an historic three - day U.N. summit in New York. The fitting end of the meeting of about 150 leaders is an eight - page Millennium Declaration, which is a catalog of world’s troubles (poverty, war, aids, pollution, human rights violations and more). The declarat
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Uncle toms hut the novel uncle toms hut is harriet beecher stowes mostwell-known factory

Report: “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”    The novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is the most famous work of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Harriet Beecher Stowe was born in Litchfield on June 14th in 1811 and died in Hartford on July 1st in 1896 at the age of 85. Harriet was the seventh child of Roxanne und Lyman Beecher. “Uncle Toms Cabin was published for the firs
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